Deductible for Pet Insurance

A deductible is the portion of the cost that you are responsible for paying in the event of claims. For pet insurance, this includes a fixed amount, as well as a percentage of the total care cost.

You will only need to pay the fixed deductible once per insurance year, regardless of how many times you visit the vet.

Reduced deductible with FirstVet

Your fixed deductible will be 1.000 kr lower than what is shown below if you first book a digital veterinary visit with FirstVet and are referred to a clinic. This does not apply if you have a fixed deductible of 0 kr.

Our pet insurance always includes an unlimited number of calls to FirstVet. However, if your pet is severely injured or acutely ill, it's crucial that you seek immediate treatment at a veterinary clinic.

Deductibles for dog and cat:

  • Basic: 0 kr or 3.500 kr fixed + 25% variable

  • Standard: 0 kr or 2.500 kr fixed + 25% variable

  • Premium: 0 kr or 2.500 kr fixed + 15% variable