Email us

How can we help you?

This is what we need to help you:

  • Your personal info, and possibly the personal info of the main policy holder

  • What has happened, when, how and where did it happen?

  • What's damaged and what you're seeking compensation for?

  • Documents that prove the event and ownership of an object (e.g. receipt/account statement or photos)

Make a claim directly in the app or email to

Note! Filing a police report increases your chances of recovering a lost item. You also contribute to the police's statistics. For certain types of events, you always need to make a police report (e.g. assault and aggravated theft). You can report a crime or loss on the police website.

This is what we need to help you:

  • Your personal info.

  • Which insurance(s) do you want to cancel?

  • From what date do you want it to end? The earliest an insurance can be terminated is from today’s date, given that we have received all necessary information.

Cancel the insurance yourself in the app or email to

Remember, there is no notice period at Hedvig. You only pay for the days when your insurance was active. Payment is made in retrospect at the end of the month and therefore the last payment may be after the insurance has ended.

Get help with your purchase:

  • We answer questions via email as soon as we can, usually within 1-3 days

  • You can easily get a price quote and sign your insurance online

  • Here you can read more about what's included in our insurances

Call 010-45 99 200 (weekdays 9-16) or email to

Consider this:

  • Are you a member? Get the fastest and best help by sending a message in the app

  • Please include as much information as possible when you email us

  • You'll find answers to common questions in our FAQ.

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